Oct 12, 2021Liked by Deion A. Kathawa

Firstly, congratulations on your debut, Deion!

I think you do a good job expressing why this really is a put-up or shut-up moment for the legal conservatism. If it turns out that we made the same mistake with Kavanaugh that we did with Souter then we will really have to reassess our approach--to be honest, the fact that Republicans appointed two thirds of the current court and we are still worried is probably reason enough to do so. I think the fact that Kavananaugh's confirmation was so difficult--and that conservatives took a lot of licks for standing by him, both in the Senate and in the culture at large--would make it all the worse if he folds at this moment. Bork and Thomas are men worth fighting for, but a Justice who would roll over to save Roe would manifestly not be (although, of course, due process and the truth are worth fighting for in all cases, regardless of the nominee). Nevertheless, I remain hopeful; I'd like to believe that the battles we've fought, the lies we've fended off (lest we forget, people said that Alito was a sexist and a bigot, Barrett was a cultist heavenbent on ushering in a dystopia, and Gorsuch was a fake Justice who had stolen Merrick Garland's rightful seat), and the statistically improbable filling of three court seats by a one-term president were not for nothing. I pray that the part of your post that proves prophetic will be the last paragraph.

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Oct 6, 2021Liked by Deion A. Kathawa

"You’ll be a hero to the people who matter if you do."

Perhaps more importantly, a hero to those who live.

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Oct 6, 2021Liked by Deion A. Kathawa

Way to lay it on the line, Deion! As to "if he flinches at the critical moment, the righteous fury of half the country will be unleashed, and a generation of young conservatives will be irrevocably radicalized", I'll believe it when I see it -- although I would LOVE to see it. We conservatives have a nasty habit of putting up with, well, everything. And when we do get exercised, we have a tendency to get stigmatized as "white supremacist/domestic terrorist/fundamentalist" wackos, and we immediately retreat back under our rock. Let's develop a spine, shall we? It's about time.

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